Friday, October 06, 2006

Another Angle 6 - October - 2006

News others won't tell you


Sibel Edmonds: Freeh Investigated Hastert
In 1999, the Clinton Administration actually asked the Department of Justice to appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate Hastert, and certain other elected officials that were not named in this (VF) article, to be investigated formally. And the Department of Justice actually went about appointing this prosecutor, but after the Administration changed they quashed that investigation and they closed it despite the fact they had all sorts of evidence, again I'm talking about wiretaps, documents- paper documents- that was highly explosive and could have been easily used to indict the Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert. That investigation was closed in 2001, and this was around the time I started reporting my cases to the Congress."

Video: Condoleezza Rice Facing 9 - 11 Commission.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice may have committed perjury in her testimony before the 9/11 Commission in May of 2004. At a minimum, her testimony was a convenient mishmash of half-truths and omissions which served to paint the White House as innocent bystanders as the attacks of 9/11 unfolded.

Ashcroft 'quit flying airliners pre-9/11'
In response to inquiries from CBS News over why Ashcroft was traveling exclusively by leased jet aircraft instead of commercial airlines, the Justice Department cited what it called a "threat assessment" by the FBI, and said Ashcroft has been advised to travel only by private jet for the remainder of his term.

US set to cut deal with Taliban
Arguing that Taliban fighters were "too numerous and too popular" to be defeated, Frist told reporters after a visit to Afghanistan last weekend that "You need to bring them (Taliban) into a more transparent type of government... And if that's accomplished, we'll be successful."

Bushies 'used' Colin, wife sez

COLUMN: Jim Crow strikes back in election laws
Forcing people to pay for a photo ID or a government-issued proof of citizenship is the modern day equivalent of a poll tax. As the New York Times notes, this bill, which was passed along blatantly partisan lines, would ensure that "the electorate would likely become more middle-aged, whiter and richer and...more Republican."

Major Destruction of Workers Rights at NLRB Today

FLASHBACK: Gulags For American Citizens In Final Planning Stages


Sudan warns UN not to deploy troops
The Sudanese government warned the UN on Thursday that any deployment of UN troops in Darfur would amount to a "hostile act, a prelude to an invasion of a member country of the UN." UN Security Council president, Japanese ambassador Kenzo Oshima, called Sudan's warning "inappropriate and offensive."

Mau Mau veterans to sue Britain
The claimants say they were held for years in detention camps during the seven years after Britain declared the "Kenya emergency" in 1952.

Radical Islam takes hold in Maldives
Women in the poorer, outlying villages have been switching to a full headscarf and Arabic-style, loose, flowing, dark robes. They say they prefer to stay indoors. They have begun sending their children to the local mosque to be taught by the growing number of Islamic preachers on the islands. Men have begun growing beards, and asserting their dominance. New, grand mosques have also sprung up, paid for by donors in Kuwait, Libya and Iran.


America is living beyond its means
Consumers have been using their homes like ATMs - borrowing against rising prices - but this cannot go on forever. The US economy needs quite a prolonged period in which consumer spending grows more slowly than the economy.


Answer to AIDS Mystery Found Behind Bars
The surge in black AIDS patients -- particularly women -- since the early 1980s closely tracked the increase in the proportion of black men in America's prisons, which by the 1990s had become vast reservoirs of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

Turn the Page
Foley's shame, although good for a laugh and crucial for the Fall election's outcome, will change nothing fundamental in Congress. Laugh through your tears.


His Last, Best Cause
He desperately wanted his death to matter as much as his life had. He sipped ginger tea in the low restaurant light and talked to a reporter who he allowed to chronicle the last weeks of his life. It would be his final activist effort. He wanted his story -- this story -- to serve as a cautionary tale, a warning to other black men to seek regular medical care: "Go to the doctor. Get your colon checked. Get a colonoscopy."


On Eve of War, Truman Turned to Comfort Food
On the eve of the war, Truman hosted a White House dinner for his war Cabinet that featured down-home dishes, including fried chicken and fruit cups.

Cobbler can be baked 6 hours ahead and cooled completely, uncovered, then chilled, covered. Before serving, let stand at room temperature 1 hour, then reheat in a preheated 350°F oven until warm, about 20 minutes.


Ray Sings and Basie Swings
The late Ray Charles never recorded with the Count Basie Orchestra. But a new album features Charles singing "Let the Good Times Roll" with Count Basie's band.

'Jazz Life': Images of a Golden Era of Music
The best photographers capture timeless moments that can define an era, or offer precious insights into the lives of the people in front of the lens. William Claxton has done both.



Another Angle 6 - October - 2006

News others won't tell you


U.S. Government Caught Red-Handed Releasing Staged Al-Qaeda Videos
Revelations that the US government had been in possession of footage released on Sunday depicting alleged Al-Qaeda hijackers and Osama Bin Laden since 2001 and evidence that the footage itself was filmed by security agencies, went unquestioned by the media - who blindly towed the official line that the tape was released by Al-Qaeda. This is smoking gun proof that the U.S. government is staging the release of alleged Al-Qaeda tapes and it demands an immediate Congressional investigation.

Plug pulled on 'Bush-bash' comic
After everything that's been said about Bush at this point, how did Mooney manage to provoke such a harsh response? "I talked about his little drunk daughters, Gin and Juice," he says, referring to Jenna and Barbara Bush. "I talked about his mother, who looks like the man on the oatmeal box." Mooney also did a bit on how the letters in Bush's name can be manipulated to produce the number 666, proving Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez's recent claim that Bush is the devil.


Kremlin attack dog vows to take on Shell in the battle of Sakhalin
The struggle to wrest control of resources from western companies is the backdrop to tension in Russia and Africa.

Paraguay hardens U.S. military stance
Paraguay's decision to refuse diplomatic immunity for U.S. troops and not to renew a military cooperation pact sparked debate Tuesday, with analysts calling the developments a blow to U.S. attempts to improve regional ties.

Here's why Chávez is so mad
Before making snap judgments based on Chávez's fiery rhetoric, we should ask the question: Why is Chávez so mad? The answer may be unsavory. Welcoming an unconstitutional coup, supporting radical domestic opposition and ramping up espionage would make any sane president upset.


While All Eyes Are On Foley, Iraq Is Rapidly Deteriorating
So far we have lost 19 soldiers in Iraq this month, and today is only the fourth day of the month. Just today, the Iraqi government had to pull a brigade of around 700 policemen that have possible ties to death squads. Things are going down hill very fast in Iraq, and Michael Ware was on the Situation Room and gave a very dismal view of what is going on.
Video - WMV Video - QT


Bush Dismantles Child Care
The "Child Care Crisis" -- the absence of anyone to care for America's children, elderly and disabled -- has turned into the new millennium's version of the "Problem That Has No Name," It is the 800-pound elephant that sits in Congress, our homes and offices -- gigantic, but ignored.


Article One, Section 10, of the U. S. Constitution says, “No State shall make any Thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts.?It has never been repealed.


The Foley scandal is a charade which leads nowhere. Everyone knows that Washington is little better than a Vegas "knocking shop" where wealthy patrons plop down their money and get whatever they want. It is a wonder that we have to go through the whole drill over and over again like reruns of Survivor.

Hell just froze over


Scientists Show Drug Can Counteract Muscular Dystrophy in Mice
Scientists at the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) and other institutions have demonstrated for the first time that a single drug can rebuild damaged muscle in two strains of mice that develop diseases comparable to two human forms of muscular dystrophy.


Black tea soothes away stress
The study, published in the journal Psychopharmacology, found that people who drank tea were able to de-stress more quickly than those who drank a fake tea substitute. Furthermore, the study participants – who drank a black tea concoction four times a day for six weeks – were found to have lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their blood after a stressful event, compared with a control group who drank the fake or placebo tea for the same period of time.


These delicious pancakes are light and moist; the texture is a cross between a crepe and a pancake. Avoid overmixing the batter (it's okay if there are lumps) to ensure that the pancakes will be airy.


Ziggy Marley: Reggae's Next Generation
Marley expounds on themes from love to personal freedom and political repression.


Tom Tomorrow: A Look at Where We Are Now